Patient Safety

Smile Creator's trustworthy offices are dedicated to safeguarding your health and safety - it is our foremost focus.

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Our primary objective has always been to safeguard the health of our patients, team members, and the surrounding community. We adhere to the CDC’s Infection Control Guidelines for Dental Practices. We have implemented cutting-edge infection control policies, procedures, and systems to ensure that our patients get safe and infection-free oral healthcare that meets or exceeds the CDC’s Standard Precautions for Dental Practices.

Additional measures we take to keep you protected


We will contact you before to your appointment to screen you. We’ll ask the same questions when you arrive.

Direct Access To Room

You can choose to wait in your car instead of the waiting area. Call us when you arrive and we will let you know when we are ready.

Mouth Rinse

We may advise you to pre-rinse with peroxide, which is antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral.

Temp Screening

We will screen all patients and team members upon arrival to ensure the safety for all.


After each patient interaction, we sanitize all of the places that may be touched.

Self Care

All patients and team members will be screened upon arrival.