Dental Implants

Dental implants are a long-term tooth replacement option

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Missing teeth may make it difficult to enjoy your favorite foods and make you self-conscious about how you seem when you smile and speak to people. Missing teeth may cause bone loss and misalignment of the remaining teeth over time. Fortunately, there are many choices for restoring missing teeth. Dentures and dental bridges are two options for filling gaps and restoring function. These choices, however, are detachable and need particular maintenance to keep them in excellent operating condition. Consider dental implants if you want a more permanent remedy for lost teeth.

What Are Dental Implants and How Do They Work?
Dental implants are a long-term tooth replacement option. The most popular form of tooth implant is one in which a dentist implants a post or screw in your jawbone and an artificial replacement tooth on top of it. This new post in your jawbone serves as the tooth’s root. The implant and your bone will fuse together over time to provide a solid foundation for your new tooth. This procedure increases the durability of your prosthetic tooth while also preventing additional jawbone degradation.

Dental implant surgery is a multi-step procedure that needs you and your dentist to work together. The artificial tooth will look and feel like one of your natural teeth after the dental implant operation is completed and the region has healed. When you lose a natural tooth, dental implants may help you regain the function and appearance you once had.

What Are the Benefits of Getting a Dental Implant?
Dental implants may be used to replace teeth that are missing or badly damaged. Dental implants may also help you eat normally and feel more secure about your smile. Permanent teeth are lost for a variety of causes, including: Teeth damage from a fall, automobile accident, or other sort of trauma; decay from inadequate oral care; genetics; illness

Dental implants aren’t always the best choice. Your gum health and possible bone loss must be evaluated by your dentist to determine whether or not you are a candidate for dental implants.

What Kinds of Dental Implants Are There?
Dental implants have a long and illustrious history. As early as 600 AD, the Mayans were known to have employed primitive dental implants. Since those early days, dental implant technology and science have advanced significantly. Nonetheless, the concept of replacing lost teeth with an artificial tooth to restore function is unchanged. Endosteal and subperiosteal implants are the two primary kinds of dental implants used in contemporary dentistry.

The kind of implant described above is an example of endosteal dental implants. Endosteal implants include the insertion of an artificial root into the jawbone. The implants are generally composed of titanium and resemble screws. This procedure enables the implant and your jaw to fuse together, forming a strong new root for your prosthetic tooth. Endosteal dental implants may only be placed successfully if the jawbone and gums are healthy.

Dental implants that are subperiosteal are inserted below the gum line but above the jawbone. This form of tooth implant does not need any bone grafting. For those who do not have enough healthy jawbone for an endosteal implant, subperiosteal dental implants are a possibility.

During Your Dental Implant Procedure, What Should You Expect?
The procedure for dental implants varies from patient to patient. Your dentist will discuss with you your oral concerns and evaluate your oral health before making a plan for your missing or damaged teeth.

Endosteal implants are implanted in two to three parts over the course of several months. The placement of the post into the bone is the initial stage in the endosteal implant technique. It would be beneficial if you waited a few days after the treatment was completed before proceeding to the following step.

Your dentist will create a prosthetic tooth that matches the shape and color of your surrounding teeth in preparation for the next step of your procedure. Your dentist will connect the fake tooth to the post after the region has healed enough. The recuperation period for endosteal dental implants is long, but the end result is well worth the wait. Furthermore, an endosteal dental implant technique provides a permanent tooth replacement alternative.

In comparison to endosteal implants, a subperiosteal dental implant treatment may be done in fewer sessions. Because they sit on top of the bone, subperiosteal implants are less intrusive than other implant choices. Subperiosteal implants do not provide the same amount of stability. They are, however, still a viable option for replacing missing teeth. If subperiosteal implants are suitable for you, you and your dentist will decide together. The technique for putting subperiosteal implants may be completed in only one visit.

Are Dental Implants Painful?
During and after the dental implant procedure you may experience some discomfort. During the surgery, your dentist will provide a dose of local anesthetic to numb the area of the procedure so you do not feel pain. Your dentist will discuss with you pain management techniques including over the counter or prescription medication to help manage discomfort after the local anesthetic has worn off.

Complications and Risks of Dental Implants
Any dental procedure comes with potential risks, and you should always discuss risks with your dentist prior to any procedure. The good news is complications associated with dental implants are rare. More than 97% of dental implants are still functioning 10 years after placement.

Cost of a Dental Implant
The cost of a dental implant varies based on multiple factors including: the location of the office, the type of implant used, the state of your gum and bone health, and the number of teeth you’re missing. If you have dental insurance, a portion of the cost may be covered. We also offer multiple financing and payment plan options to help with any out of pocket cost. Call us today to discuss your payment and financing options!