
With our help, you can find the best dentists in your area who offer comprehensive dental care with the most up-to-date technology.

Find a reputable dentist in your area.

What to Expect During Your First Appointment

On your first visit, you can expect a thorough and relaxing visit during which we will discuss your dental needs and goals and provide you with comfort measures to make you feel at ease in our office.

All questions are welcome, and we are happy to discuss any concerns you may have. It is critical for us to have an open and honest line of communication with our patients. This, we feel, is the only way to establish a long-lasting relationship with our patients.

Integrated Specialties

The ability to offer a wide range of services including oral surgery, endodontics, and periodontics, all under one roof is a strong differentiator that helps set our offices apart from other local dentists.

Our offices are equipped with state of the art technology.

To better diagnose any dental or oral problems, our offices rely on several devices to better examine your mouth. Some of the diagnostic tools we use include: Low-radiation digital x-rays, Laser tooth-detection, Intraoral photography and digital imaging, Visual magnification and Oral cancer screening.

Experienced Doctors

Dr. Cunningham

General Dentist

Dr. Vora

General Dentist

Dr. Mehta

General Dentist

Dr. Mehta

General Dentist

Dr. Yavari

Pediatric Dentist